Judo Words
Ashi: Foot or Leg
Ashi Garami: To coil your leg around opponent’s leg
Do: The way
Eri: Collar
Gaeshi: Counter
Gake: Hook and break
Goshi: Hip
Hadaka: Naked; Bare
Hayai: Fast
Hajime: Begin; First
Hane: Spring; Jump
Hansoku Make: Loss by violation of rules
Hantai: Opposite; Reverse
Hara: Stomach
Harai: Sweep
Hidari: Left
Hiki: Pull
Hiki Wake: Draw; Tie; Even
Hiza: Knee
Hon: Basic
Ippon: One point
Itami Wake: Win by injury to opponent
Jigotai: Standing in a defensive position
Jime: Strangle; Choke
Jogai: Outside area
Judogi: Judo Uniform
Judoka: Judo person
Juji: Cross
Kaeshi: Counter
Kake: Throw
Kami: Upper Body
Kansetsu: Joint
Karui: Light
Kata: Shoulder
Kata: Prearranged form of Judo principles and techniques
Katame: Grappling
Keiko: Practice
Kodokan: Judo Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan
Koshi: Hip
Kubi: Neck
Kumi Kata: Method of grasping opponent
Kuzure: Modification
Kuzushi: Breaking opponent’s balance
Mae: Forward
Maitta: Surrender; To give up
Maki Komi: Winding throw; to throw by rolling your body to the ground with opponent
Mate: Wait
Migi: Right
Momo: Thigh
Morote: Both arms
Mune: Chest
Nage: Throw
Nage Waza: Throwing Techniques
Newaza: Grappling Techniques
O: Major; Great
Obi: Belt
Okuri: Sliding
Osae Komi Toketa: Command from Referee that hold is broken and time should stop
Osae Komi Waza: Holding techniques
Osu: Push
Otoshi: Drop down
Randori: Free practice
Rei: Bow
Renzoku Waza: Combination techniques
Ritsu Rei: Bowing from standing position
Sasae: Prop; Support
Sensei: Teacher
Shiai: Contest
Shiho: Four corners
Shihan: Professor
Shime: Strangle; Choke
Shinpan: Referee; Umpire
Shita: Down
Shizentai: Natural standing position
Sode: Sleeve
Sonomama: Command from Referee to freeze and not move.
Sore made: Command from Referee that time has expired.
Soto: Outer
Sukoshi: A little
Sukui: Scoop up
Sumi: Corner
Sutemi: Self sacrifice; To throw opponent by throwing yourself
Tai: Body
Tai Sabaki: Pivoting
Tatami: Mat
Tate: Vertical
Te: Hand
Tekubi: Wrist
Toketa: Command from Referee when hold is broken
Tomoe: Circular
Tori: Person who does the throwing.
Tsukuri: Preparation to throw; Placing yourself in proper position at correct time to throw your opponent
Tsumasaki: Toes and ball of your feet
Tsuri: Pull and lift in circular motion
Uchi: Inner
Uchi Komi: Practicing form by repeating technique many times with partner
Ude: Arm
Uke: Person who is being thrown in kata
Ukemi: Method of falling
Ushiro: Back; Backwards
Utsuri: Changing
Waza: Technique
Wazaari: Half point
Yawarakai: Soft
Yoko: Side
Yoshi: Go; All right
Yubi: Fingers
Yusei Gachi: Win by superiority
Zarei: Bowing from a kneeling position